Tomato Prices Are Rising, Cianjur - Commodity prices for tomatoes in a number of traditional markets in Cianjur, West Java, continued to crawl up. This is allegedly due to the lack of stock at the farm level. "Stock is minimal because most farmers experience crop failures because since the last few months, the intensity of rainfall has been quite high in various regions," said Hendi Saeful Maladi, suplkayer in Cianjur Sub-District, Tuesday (15/1). He explained the high intensity of rain made the tomatoes in the garden damaged and rotten. So it is not uncommon for farmers to sell young tomatoes. Due to the lack of yields, tomato prices continue to rise due to the lack of stock at the farm level. "The price of tomatoes in the past month has increased three times. At present the price of the kilogram reaches Rp 8,500 which previously was only Rp 6,500 per kilogram," he said. According to him, before the price increase due to the lack of stock prices of tomatoes in the traditional market was only Rp 5,500 per kilogram and never soared. The lack of good quality tomato stock in Cianjur has forced him to order tomatoes from outside the city to fulfill orders from supermarkets. "In order to fulfill orders from every customer, I can buy employees directly into the Garut area, even at a high price because tomatoes at the collectors level or even farmers are very minimal," he said. After the scarcity, he was forced to go directly to the shelter in Garut Regency, with good quality tomato prices reaching Rp 13 thousand per kilogram. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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