Borneo Durian Festival Held Again, Pontianak - West Kalimantan Governor Sutarmidji opens the 2019 Durian Borneo Festival in Punggur Village, Kubu Raya Regency. The festival will take place from 12-13 February 2019. "This durian festival should be used as a regional event calendar and I ask the Agriculture Service to really work on it so that it can attract tourists. Prize prizes must also be large," he said at Punggur, Monday (14/1). On that occasion Sutarmijdi said that the best durian in Indonesia is in West Kalimantan. At present there are 12 types of superior varieties in West Kalimantan. "From all aspects of the study we already have superior durian varieties such as Durian Balening, Durian Jemungko Kuning, Durian Serumbut, Durian Slipi, Durian, Durian Jarum Mas and several other species. All of them are forest durians. colors, seeds and flavors can be engineered with agricultural technology, "he said. According to him, durian from West Kalimantan which tends to be a mainstay of many species is Serumbut because of its smooth fruit texture, long-lasting fruit, small seeds, attractive colors and tastes good. "In essence, we have a wealth of rich and diverse durian plasma germplasm. My message is not to let our people sell durian on behalf of other countries," he said. Sutarmidji also asked the community or business people to make the product down from the durian because the current durian derivative is only limited to clay and tempoyak. "Durian derivative products must be more numerous and not only limited to durian clay and clay. It should be like Aloe vera, which currently has 38 products," he explained. Meanwhile, Chairman of the 2019 Borneo Durian Festival Committee, Prijono explained that the two-day festival was filled with various series, one of which was a durian contest from various regions in the Borneo region. "In addition to the durian contest there are also durian parties for visitors, durian dining competitions, durian gatherings, competitions, visits to durian centers, durian and other processed competitions. This activity is an effort and step we promote durian in West Kalimantan, including in Kubu Raya this, "he said. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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