Dismissal of PNS Involved Corruption is Still Slow

SURABAYAPAGI.com, Jakarta - The KPK considers that the dismissal of Civil Servants (PNS) who have proven corruption is still slow. The reason is that only 393 civil servants who were dismissed disrespectfully from the list of 2,357 people who have been convicted through a verdict have permanent legal force. "The KPK received information from BKN about the slow process of dismissing civil servants who have been proven to be corrupt. This is due to reluctance, doubts or other causes of PPK (Personnel Development Officers)," KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah said in Jakarta on Sunday (27/1). Based on data from the National Personnel Agency (BKN) as of January 14, 2019, only 393 civil servants were dismissed disrespectfully from a list of 2,357 civil servants who had been convicted through a verdict with permanent legal force. However, outside of the 2,357 civil servants there were an additional 498 civil servants who proved corruption was dismissed. So that the total number of civil servants dismissed was 891 people. The dismissal of all 2,357 civil servants should be targeted for completion by the end of December 2018. "The KPK deeply regrets the low commitment of KDP, both at the central and regional levels to comply with the applicable legislation," Febri added. The KPK is continuing to coordinate to ensure non-compliance or obstacles in this dismissal. Especially since September 13, 2018, a Joint Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs, Menpan RB and the Head of BKN have been signed regarding the dismissal of problematic civil servants. For Central agencies, out of 98 civil servants convicted of corruption, only 49 people have been dismissed. Some of these ministries have not dismissed a number of civil servants who committed corruption, namely 9 Ministry of PUPR, 9 people from Kemenristek Dikti, 3 people from the Ministry of Fisheries and Fisheries, 3 Ministry of Defense and 3 Ministry of Agriculture. "While the Ministry which has most dismissed civil servants is proven to be corrupt, the Ministry of Transportation as many as 17 people and the Ministry of Religion as many as 7 people," Febri said. Another slow cause is the circulation of a letter from the National Korpri Consultation and Legal Aid Institute (LKBH) which requested to delay the dismissal of the civil servants. The Korpri LKBH tested the material Law No. 5 of 2014 concerning state civil apparatus article 87 paragraph (2) and paragraph (4) letters b and d so that the ministries and regional governments do not conduct disrespectful dismissals (PTDH) and return other rights attached to ASN such as salaries , allowances and other rights at the original position. "The Judicial Review submitted to the Constitutional Court should not be a reason to delay the clear rules," Febri said. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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