Healthy Food Is Considered Not To Be A Trend, Jakarta - Healthy food may be synonymous with vegetarians. However, healthy food is increasingly popular as a healthy lifestyle campaign. Healthy food is now considered not only to be a trend, but to continue. Adhi Putra Tawakal, Marketing Manager of SaladStop!, saw healthy foods increasingly adopted. Thats why SaladStop !, a salad specialty restaurant opened in Indonesia in 2016 and earlier in 2009 in Singapore. According to Adhi, adoption of healthy food has not been too popular in 2009. Starting in 2016, people are increasingly aware of the importance of lifestyle, including eating healthy foods. He gave an example of the many food campaigns and healthy lifestyles on social media. "Because in 2009 it wasnt like in 20016. The longer we can see on social media, the more people who campaign sports, eat healthier," he said in Jakarta. Many people begin to switch from concentrated juice to fresh fruit juice. Some healthy lifestyle indicators are increasingly adaptive, of which more and more are interested and do not switch back to unhealthy foods. "But it is not just a trend. If we see it in general, people will not go back to junk food, okay maybe it still exists but it will not be reversed," he continued He also saw more and more restaurants that did not even identify themselves as healthy outlets, but began offering healthier menus. They began to multiply and invite consumers who had increased awareness. "There are even Vietnamese restaurants trying to give healthy messages, such as not using Vetsin for example, and others," he added. Currently SaladStop! offering its flagship menu, Truffle Wonder, Sawadee and Tomato Tango. The inspiration or theme of the three menus in general is food from abroad. Search restaurants that are typical of several countries. So far he has recommended the most popular Truffle Wonder. Because, according to him, it is rare in Indonesia that presents European grade. So this is a great opportunity for those who want to try new things, especially for vegetarians because they dont use meat but the delicious taste is guaranteed. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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