Sharing does not always mean caring - Sharing is caring or sharing is caring. Simple sentence that has deep meaning. When you share, you are showing concern for others. This (maybe) is a value that has been pinned to you since childhood. In terms of sharing not only material objects, but also ideas, thoughts, and experiences. Parents usually ask their children to share food or toys with their friends. No scramble to watch television or game consoles with younger siblings. Or even, doing good and always friendly to others, including those who are not known. As adults, many people try to maintain a culture of sharing. Young people give their seats to older people. Whether we realize it or not, this shows concern. Similarly, when you find out that a friend is sick and immediately moved to make a donation. You want to show your concern by sharing. Sharing is caring. Many people feel happy because they can share. In the current era of social media, the culture of sharing occupies its own level. Social media is a matter of sharing. People share food eaten at lunch, vacation locations, to thoughts, ideas, sadness, and criticism. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are spaces that allow people to share more with others. Social media is a platform that allows us to reach and engage with the public. Social media not only changes the way we communicate every day, but allows us to create viral content without depending on the mainstream mass media. The culture of sharing on social media cannot be separated from the participation culture that exists in the medium. Social media users want to be involved or enggage with content shared by social media. Therefore, social media initially is only a matter of sharing information, so that other people know. However, so that other people know it is not enough. Sharing information also changes so that other people are moved. That is, social media allows users to influence others. This then becomes a useful tool when you want to mobilize social campaigns such as fundraising. For example, fan idol groups from South Korea often carry out fundraising projects when member of his favorite group. Unfortunately, social media is also like the mainstream mass media that has two blades. If one knife is useful to move the community to have caring so that they are moved to do something, the other side is the opposite. There is a side where social media becomes a dangerous tool when people share. Namely, sharing false news or hoaxes. In this case, sharing desires often mix with selfishness, allowing people who share messages not verified to be offended. For example, at one time, someone shared a message with the group. Other members of the group rebuked and stated that it was a hoax. The person who shared then replied that he only shared and maybe there was someone in the group who knew. However, members who protested did not agree with the reason. Unverified information should not be shared because it will make hoax viral. There are many ways to ensure a valid or invalid information. "Just googling a similar photo once appeared or not on Google before it was distributed," said a voice in the group. Some people agree that information that has not been verified should not be disseminated. Do not let your heart want to share information because you care to enter jail. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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