BMKG : Beware of Waves Up to Seven Meters in NTT - The Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) El Tari Station, Kupang, reminded shipping operators to be alert to high waves. BMKG recorded waves reaching a height of two meters to reach seven meters in the marine waters of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). "BMKG predicts and provides early warning to be alert to the potential for high waves in a number of NTT waters starting Wednesday (23/1) at 8:00 p.m. until Thursday (25/1) at 8:00 p.m.," said Head of BMKG Observation and Information Section El Tari Kupang Station , Ota Welly Jenni Thalo in Kupang, Wednesday (23/1). According to him, waves as high as 7.0 meters have the potential to occur in the waters of Sawu sea, the southern sea waters of Sumba Island, the southern Indian Ocean of NTT, the waters south of Kupang, the Timor sea south of NTT and Rote Island. While the potential for waves as high as 6.0 meters occurs in the waters north of Flores and the Sumba Strait. In addition, the potential of 5.0 meter high waves also has the potential to occur in the Sape Strait waters. While the potential of waves as high as 2-4 meters has the potential to occur in the Ombai Strait, Wetar Strait, Flores Strait, Lakakera Strait, Boling Strait and Alor Strait. "The maximum wave can reach twice the forecast," Ota explained. He added, the BMKG only provided information on weather forecasts in marine waters, but was not authorized to prohibit ships from sailing, except for the authority of the Tenau Kupang port authority. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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