Prabowo-Sandi Prepare for The First Debate, Jakarta - Spokesperson for the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, Andre Rosiade said, Prabowo and Sandiaga will avoid normative answers in the first debate of the presidential candidates on 17 January. According to him there is already a team preparing for it. "God willing, prepared by his team. Basically (the appropriate answer) the aspirations of the people. The detailed and concrete answers are prepared. Take it easy to wait for the date of the game," he said, Thursday (10/1). Andre explained that there had been a team prepared for Prabowo and Sandiaga. "First there was a material team and the debate under Pak Sudirman Said then there were also figures who were trusted by Pak Prabowo and Sandiaga for the escort team," he said. According to Andre, the community certainly needs original and interesting answers from each candidate. Prabowo-Sandi will provide answers that are in accordance with the needs of the community. "God willing, Prabowo is ready to present concrete answers like that, interesting and according to the needs of the community," he said. Previously, candidate vice president (vice presidential candidate) number 02 Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno revealed several preparations he had made before the first debate held on January 17, 2019. Sandiaga said that in the next few days he would focus on preparing for the debate. "This afternoon (yesterday) I will attend a session with the material team and we will explore each topic, starting from law, human rights, terrorism, in terms of corruption as well," said Sandiaga at Prabowo-Sandiaga National Secretariat on Wednesday (9/1) yesterday. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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