Bidikmisi Quota Ascertained to Increase 50 Percent in 2019


- Pewarta

Kamis, 03 Jan 2019 09:05 WIB

Bidikmisi Quota Ascertained to Increase 50 Percent in 2019, Semarang - The government increases the quota of Bidikmisi scholarships for 2019. This policy is taken because the Government will focus on developing human resources (HR). Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Menristekdikti), Mohamad Nasir said that the Bidikmisi scholarship quota policy was a direct order from the Indonesian President, Joko Widodo. In 2019, the Government will encourage an increase in the higher education budget, which is a budget for Bidikmisi scholarship allocations. "The president wants, if possible, the Bidikmisi quota to be increased by 50 percent," he said, when giving a Public Lecture with the theme Building a Millennial Generation of Indonesia with Character of Spirit of Achievement at the Professor Wuryanto Auditorium, Semarang State University (Unnes), Wednesday (2/1) . Development priorities, explained the Menristekdikti, will be shifted from infrastructure development to HR development. In 2018, the national quota of Bidikmisi scholarships reaches 85 thousand students. "Thus, in 2019, the Government will increase the Bidikmisi budget so that the recipient quota can reach 130 thousand students, from all regions in the country," he said in front of Bidikmisi scholarship students. Minister Nasir added that Bidikmisi scholarships have been recognized as very useful. This scholarship is also considered to be able to cut the chain of poverty because children from families unable to complete higher education and make life better. Meanwhile, in 2018 Unnes students who received the Bidikmisi Scholarship Program totaled 1,208 students, with a total of active students receiving Bidikmisi on this campus which numbered 6,004 students. Besides Bidikmisi, the government also provides Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarships (PPA) to 1,320 students in 2018. "Unnes also accepts students who receive the Higher Education Affirmation Scholarship (ADik) in Papua, West Papua and the Frontier, Outermost, and Disadvantaged (3T) regions with 108 students," he added. The Unnes Chancellor, Fathur Rokhman explained, the Bidikmisi students on his campus had performed brilliantly. In addition to academic achievement, many Bidikmisi students have succeeded in becoming entrepreneurs and innovators. "Some students even resigned from Bidikmisi because the entrepreneurs succeeded. They feel that they no longer need scholarships so the scholarship is given to younger students who are more in need, "said Fathur Rokhman. rk

Editor : Redaksi

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