Kemenristekdikti Provides Bidikmisi Quota for Disabled, Jakarta - The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) provides a Bidikmisi scholarship quota for disabled students. The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education provides around 1,000 quotas for disabled students. "Previously there were, but most were not fulfilled," said Director of Student Affairs of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Didin Wahidin, in Jakarta, Monday (14/1). Didin explained the quota for disabled students had actually been provided a few years ago, but those who registered were very few. For this reason, he requested that prospective students who were in disability remain enthusiastic in continuing their education. This year, Bidikmisi quotas rose 44 percent to 130,000 students. For this year, the Kemenristekdikti made various changes. The change is to allocate Bidikmisi in the Teacher Professional Program (PPG) in addition to the profession of doctors, dentists, veterinarians, nurses and pharmacists who have been there before. In addition, the integration of Bidikmisi data with the database of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Social Affairs to encourage a more transparent, accountable and targeted acceptance process. He explained that as many as 24 percent of the Bidikmisi graduates had obtained jobs three months after graduating. The Grade Point Average (GPA) of students receiving Bidikmisi increases every year. Average with GPA of 3.21 in the period 2009 to 2017. The Bidikmisi program is an aid in the cost of education in higher education from the government for high school (SMA) graduates or equivalent who have good academic potential but have economic limitations. This year, Bidikmisi quotas rose 44 percent to 130,000 students. The registration of prospective Bidikmisi students for 2019 is carried out through the National University Entrance Entrance (SNMPTN) pathway, Joint Selection to Enter State Universities (SBMPTN), Search for Interests and Capabilities of the State Polytechnic (PMDK-PN), State Polytechnic Entrance Examination (UMPN) and Independent Selection at State and Private University of Indonesia Badminton is More Confident. rk

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